BMA seeks details of modernisation plan
Association looks to find out how NHS Scotland intends to improve health service
The BMA has called for more detail and an urgent timetable on plans to ‘renew’ and modernise the NHS in Scotland.
First minister of Scotland John Swinney outlined action to drive down waiting times and reduce pressure on services, including a substantial increase in capacity, more investment in general practice and improved use of data and digital innovation.
He announced an additional 150,000 appointments and procedures per year, and said a new Scottish health and social care app would be a ‘digital front door’ for patients.
He also announced action to shift more care from hospital to people’s homes and communities – saying it would change the way that acute care was delivered. Moves will include specialist frailty teams in emergency departments to keep people out of hospital where possible, along with an increase in hospital at home services.
GP funding
BMA Scottish council chair Iain Kennedy (pictured above) welcomed what he called ‘some encouraging words of direction of travel’. But he warned that more detail and a comprehensive vision were needed for any plan to become a reality.
‘Our survey just before Christmas emphasised just how desperate the position is for doctors, the teams they are part of and patients relying on care. It is clear that we must, as the first minister said, shift the balance of care and find more funding directly for GPs, but that must be done on the basis of a full plan that does not simply remove funding from and risk destabilising hospital care, which is facing massive challenges.’
Dr Kennedy said that previous pledges to increase capacity have not come to fruition, not least because such plans need the staff in place to deliver them. ‘At the moment, doctors are struggling to cope with simply keeping up with demand. It shows yet again that no plan for the NHS will work without a proper long-term workforce plan to ensure we have the staff needed to deliver it. So, we urgently need to see details and a timescale for the outline of plans set out today, and we look forward to the Scottish Government bringing them forward.’
'Common purpose'
In a speech to representatives from the health and social care sector, Mr Swinney and health secretary Neil Gray said the plans would give people better access to treatment.
‘Protecting, strengthening, renewing our National Health Service – that is a goal I think we can all get behind. A real focus of common purpose.
‘That requires action from me, as first minister, from my health secretary Neil Gray, and from my government. We can offer the leadership and direction – as the measures outlined today seek to do.’
He said the substantial increase in capacity would significantly reduce people’s waits, and that a greater proportion of new NHS funding would go to primary and community care. This will include £10.5m to build GP capacity to intervene early and prevent illness such as cardiovascular disease, the first minister said.
‘GPs and services in the community will have the resources they need to play a greater role in our health system,’ Mr Swinney added.
He said the NHS was ‘there when we need it’ and that it supports us with care through life’s biggest moments.
‘We need to support it in return. The approach I set out today charts our course to do that. It addresses the challenges and the opportunities. It sets the NHS on a path of modernisation and renewal.’