Brought to you by the BMA
The voice of doctors
Welcome to The Doctor, bringing you award-winning journalism from the BMA. We aim to represent, champion, and most importantly listen to the pressing concerns of the medical profession, writing about the key issues that doctors and medical students face in their working lives.
We write for doctors and about doctors. In our investigations, news and analysis, we draw upon vivid real-life experience.
Despite working under intense pressure, there are still countless examples of doctors innovating, improving services and going to extraordinary lengths for their patients. We celebrate their achievements and share best practice, while also standing up for those who feel crushed by a severely under-funded, under-staffed NHS.
We also aim for our work to have an impact on the public, politicians and wider media, to help bring about the change that doctors seek, and to improve public health by giving a voice to those advocating for their patients during difficult times.
The Doctor is for you, the medical profession. We want it to be useful, engaging and relevant. We hope you read and share the content, and please get involved, telling us your own experiences and what you’d like to see covered.
With thanks from The Doctor editorial team.